Review: Training Beta & Podcast


We all have "fluffer friends" in our lives. Those friends who tell us we look great when we don't and who convince us to eat one more bowl of ice cream when we've already had three. While these friends make us feel good about ourselves, they aren't really all that useful in becoming the best person we can be.DSC00106

[This is Neely, living large in Spain. I made her eat ice cream on this trip. Real ice cream.]

Neely Quinn Lytton is not a fluffer friend. She will tell you whether your new core routine is paying off, or whether your post workout chocolate cake ritual is making an appearance around your middle section. This is why I love Neely. She's one of my best friends in the world, and she will always tells it as it is.Neely's honesty and directness have led her to a life many people only conjure in dreams. Her titles include Certified Integrative Clinical Nutrition Therapist, Paleo Coach, Meal Planner, and Blogger for Paleo Plan ( and author of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Eating Paleo. Neely and her husband Seth are both highly intelligent, extremely fit, talented climbers, and unofficial yet remarkably skilled dog trainers. And if they can train dogs, they can train you.Neely and Seth just launched a new website called Training Beta, which provides both free and paid content for climbers of all levels looking to target muscle groups, jump grades, send a project, or simply improve. On Training Beta, you'll find

  • Podcasts with Professional Climbers
  • Guest Blog Posts from Professional Climbers
  • Training Videos
  • Detailed Training Programs

Screen Shot 2014-03-07 at 2.52.35 PMTraining for climbing is specific to each individual, each route, and each style of climbing. Training Beta isn't a one size fits all solution to discovering freak strength. Instead, it provides a wide range of content from climbers across many disciplines who have found unique ways to overcome physical weaknesses, mental obstacles, plateaus, fear, and more.Training Beta offers a 6 week Power Endurance Training Program developed by Kris Peters of Team of 2. If you paid for theses classes in person, the cost would be around $2,000. On Training Beta, the entire program with demonstration videos and detailed workouts for climbing, core, strength, and fitness is only $27. Buy it HERE.Training Beta will whip you into shape, and Neely is the master behind the magic. Ask questions and suggest future programs - if Neely doesn't have the answer herself, she will find the answer for you from professional coaches and athletes around the world. So let Alex Honnold, Angie Payne, and Sean McColl tell you how to workout, and Neely will make it easy to understand and follow along. Remember, this girl is trustworthy :)I recorded a podcast with Neely about my training and motivation, the importance of breathing when I climb, and the role food plays in my life. Download on Itunes HERE.Paige-Podcast-Banner-R1