High Altitude Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake
Broken Confidence
Blog, Climbing, Reflectionspaigeclaassenclimbing, confidence, failing, Flatirons, how to, lack of confidence, obstacle, overcome
Gorilla Attack!
Airport Snacks
Blog, Uncategorizedpaigeclaassenairport, bacon, baked, cooked, dates, edamame, healthy, how to, recipe, snacks, wrapped
Training Pains
Blog, Climbing, Reflections, Trainingpaigeclaassencampus, campusing, climb, climbing, how to, routine, system, tips, training
Chocolate Raspberry Shortbread Cookies
Blog, Recipespaigeclaassenbake, baking, cookie recipes, cookies, jam shortbread cookies, linzer cookies, recipe, shortbread cookies, shortbread recipes
ABYSS: A Critique
Smith Rock Craggin' Classic
Pop Tarts
The Wrath of the Alpine
The Bar Method
Peruvian Granite
Blog, Climbing, Slider, Travelpaigeclaassenandes, boulder, bouldering, climb, climbing, cordillera blanca, fern gully, five dog night, granite, Marmot, Peru, peruvian
Culture Shock
Huaraz, Peru
Tales of a Peruvian Gumby
Blog, Climbing, Travelpaigeclaassenandes, boulder, develop, explore, Independence, Marmot, Pass, Peru, travel
The Woes of Projecting
The Battle Rages
Back on Two Feet
The Earl of Ginger Cupcakes
Chocolate Orange Cupcakes
Blog, Recipespaigeclaassenbake, baking, Chocolate, chocolate cupcake, coconut milk cupcakes, cupcake, cupcakes, dessert, how to, orange, orange frosting, recipe, recipes